
Jonathan Gagnon Calderon

Landscape Horticulturist with over a decade of experience working in unionized, non-unionized, and self-employed environments. Additionally, possessing a strong background in horticulture and personnel management. Jonathan has been passionate about nature and plants since childhood, playing in the soil or working in the family garden. He developed an early interest in plants, instilled by his mother, who herself loved roses and vegetable plants. Throughout his development, he has remained connected to the beauty that nature can offer.

In 2010, he completed his professional diploma in Ornamental Horticulture. This first diploma allowed him to discover a passion for plants, acquiring knowledge to design flower beds, produce plants, and ensure their healthy development. He then completed a professional diploma in Landscape Design, which allowed him to design and construct various types of landscaping, including wooden, paved, and concrete structures. Jonathan also completed specialized professional training in horticulture to deepen his knowledge of plant development, as well as his knowledge of the culture and maintenance of indigenous plants in Quebec.



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Always curious for knowledge, he pursued a university certificate in horticulture and green space management. This training provided him with several complementary notions regarding tree pruning, lawn maintenance, soil composition, diseases, and pests.

Finally, he completed another certificate in Management to acquire the knowledge that now allows him to efficiently manage multiple work teams and maintain the highest standards of quality in his work..

Throughout his years of study, Jonathan never stopped working in the horticultural field and accumulating the experience that has made him an expert in his profession.

Our services are aimed at a clientele who wishes to entrust their property to a qualified and trustworthy team.